Animal Games


Penworthy STEAM to Go Kit Spotlight: Animal Games

Looking for a great kit to tie into Tails and Tales? Look no further! This Penworthy STEAM-to-Go kit is full of fun learning activities, all in a high-quality zippered bag, ready to be checked out by your patrons. All of our kits feature at least one book and two activities, designed to help kids explore the topic of the kit. In Animal Games, you get the book, “125 Animals That Changed the World” and three games: Cat Crimes, Animal Trivia Challenge, and Animal Spot-the-Difference.

“125 Animals That Changed the World” introduces kids to a bunch of amazing animals, including the original Smokey the Bear. The familiar “spokesbear” for forest fire awareness and prevention was rescued as a cub after suffering injuries in a fire in New Mexico. He made a full recovery and went on to fame and fortune with the US Park Service.  Smokey’s story is just one of the many inspiring and informative tales in this book.

Playing Animal Trivia, kids will use their animal knowledge to survive the journey through the jungle, winning points along the way. They will have to identify animals from a photograph, answer multiple choice questions, and rank animals based on fun facts. There are over 400 questions in the game, with two levels of difficulty, and the game is for 2 to 4 players.

In Brainbox’s Spot the Difference in the Wild, kids roll the die, and then spot that many differences between the images on the card. Each card has four different versions of the image. There are six differences between each image, and the game can be played alone or with friends and family.

In Cat Crimes, the third game in the kit, kids will use logic to figure out which cat is guilty of the ne"furry"ous crimes of tangling yarn and a missing bird, among others. Challenge cards give clues, and paw prints, toy placement and other clues will tell players exactly where each cat was sitting at the time of the crime. This is designed as a single player game but can easily be adapted to playing cooperatively with others.

All of our Penworthy STEAM-to-Go kits are great ways to give your patrons hands-on activities with books that match the theme and give hours of learning fun. To purchase this kit, click here.

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